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Notes for Guidance


The Brazilian Butt Augmentation was first popularized on E! Entertainments Dr. 90210. The enhancement and augmentation of the female buttocks is an option chosen by 98% of our patients presenting for a liposcupturing procedure. The Brazilian Butt Augmentation, also known as Autologous Fat Transfer (AFT) or Brazilian Butt Lift, involves the use of the patient’s own fat from a liposculpturing procedure which is then used to augment the volume and enhance the shape of the buttocks for the individual patient.


The use of fat to enhance the shape and increase the volume of the buttocks is the preferred and best approach for the aesthetic enhancement of the buttocks. We first sculpture out the most aesthetically pleasing buttocks with liposculpturing. The fat is collected, processed, and concentrated and then our special technique is used to strategically position the fat into the fatty tissue of the buttocks to produce the ultimate buttocks that everyone wants. The procedure goes far beyond merely adding fat to the buttocks region. Careful evaluation of the individual patient’s buttocks is performed in order to plan the best surgical approach to achieve the optimal results based on the ideal and most aesthetically pleasing buttocks. The individual surgical approach is tailored to achieve the ideal buttocks in the female patient. These principles are carefully applied based on the desired results of the patient. The individual goals of the patient combined with a careful and thorough surgical approach will translate into the creation of a beautiful and ideal result of the buttocks region.


Unlike synthetic implants, the final results not only look but feel normal in every way. The fat is autologous, meaning that it comes from the patient directly, thus eliminating any risk of rejection and scarring. The fat used for transplantation to the buttocks is living tissue, meaning that it goes far beyond what a temporary filler can accomplish. The majority of the fat is able to reestablish it’s natural blood supply in the buttocks, thus remaining alive. It is expected that you will keep 70-80% of the fat that is transplanted and what you have after threee months is what you can expect to keep, regardless of changes in diet and exercise. The beauty of the procedure is that more fat can be safely added at later times if desired. Proper buttocks enhancement with the use of fat must not only be performed with a thorough understanding of the ideal anatomy of the buttocks, but careful consideration of the surrounding anatomy. The natural beauty of the buttocks can not only be enhanced by fat transfer, but also by liposculpturing of surrounding areas, such as the waistline and lower back.


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This leaflet has been prepared to give a basic understanding of the procedure before a consultation takes place, and to encourage and answer many of the questions frequently asked about this type of cosmetic surgery. Final decisions should not be made until an individual assessment has taken place with the surgeon. There is no obligation on the part of the patient to undergo surgery by attending for consultation. If you have further questions or would like to arrange a consultation, please do not hesitate to call us.



.For pre- and post-operative photographs, please click here